HACKATHON 2021 – ไทย


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“Coding and AI for Agriculture and Food Technology”

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One Topic

Coding with your team of 4 members


One topics

Coding with your team of 4 members


Three topics

Solo coding on 3 topics of choices


Three topics

Solo coding on 3 topics of choices

1. Excellent Farmer

    • Use ML / AI technology to help cultivation. From those who have experience using ML / AI to study good cultivation patterns in order to provide the overall quality of the country with higher yields.

Plant : Corn

2. Agricultural GIS Visualization

    • Utilize a bird’s-eye view photograph and superimposed on the farm area to be able to see the densities or irregularities. Moreover, being able to point out accurate direction to farmers.

Plant : Corn

Location : 14.881311445498623, 101.3930142407632

3. Smart Shrimp Farming

    • Develop shrimp farming system 

A. Calculate the right amount of food for shrimp ( The amount of food affects to shrimp size and water quality )
B. Find technology that can accurately quantify the number and size of shrimp in the shrimp pond.
C. System for monitoring and controlling water quality to be suitable for shrimp

Species : Litopenaeus Vannamei

Pond size : 3,200 Square meters

Water : Turbidity

4. On-Shelf product availability with image processing

    • Use CCTV cameras take pictures on the shelves and automatically process the type and quantity of each item on the shelf.

5. Document type classification and data extraction for automated data entry

    • Can analyze and classify documents and fill the important information in system automatically. To reduce time and reduce human errors such as convenience store receipts

6. Food Supply Chain (Conceptual) Model

The current agriculture and food industry needs to manage the process and the supply chain (Food Supply Chain). The example is Fertilizer > Corn > Animal feed > Farm > Slaughterhouse > Processing > Fresh food > Restaurant. The whole model is like a comprehensive IT Service/Information Platform layout. It is also flexible for changing process or product type.

    • How to update information model in real-time and use blockchain for exchange the information between companies. Traceability will be useful in planning. And can use AI/ML to make predictions accurate or change for each situation.

Reference Model : SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference Model) of SCC (Supply Chain Council )